Industrial Funded Projects
POR FESR 2014-2020 – AVVISO RICERCA 2020 – Cod. CUP I62C20001110007
In Europe, non-road mobile machinery (NRMM) are responsible for approximately 15% of nitrogen oxide (NOx) and 5% of particulate (PM) emissions. The development of electric mobility is already introducing new challenges to industrial supply chains, starting from the development of new powertrains, to the reuse and recycling of materials up to the advanced management of electric power. Under investigation there are not only traction applications but also all the auxiliary services of the vehicle.
The actuation system called "Steering by Wire" is one of the first applications for "no road" vehicles to take a step towards simplification and electrification, it performs the function of moving the steering wheels in complete replacement of the hydraulic steering system commonly used on these vehicles.
The INTEGRATED ACTUATORS FOR OFF-ROAD VEHICLES project aims to develop a mature and validated product (TRL7) for the application of steering in the context of the vehicle electrification, improving efficiency and energy consumption. The product components will be improved from the performance point of view and integrated with IoT-type functions.
The new product will improve the electrification of off-road vehicles such as forklifts by adding to electric traction other features such as the steering. The innovations introduced with the project are:
- Greater efficiency guaranteed by the complete replacement of the hydraulic system with an electromechanical one capable of using energy only when actually needed.
- Longer battery life.
- The simplification of the system by reducing the number of components (there is only one cable between the actuator and the steering wheel).
- A remotely managed monitoring system.
PR FESR UMBRIA 2021 - 2027 O.S. 1.1
The scope of the R&D project is the development of innovative electromechanical systems for propulsion and other movements that can be applied to the Aeronautical and Naval sector.
The electrification of transportation is a technological transition that has now begun at an international level in the automotive sector and it is also a common goal in the aerospace and naval sectors.
Significant progress has been made in this direction by investigating the possibility of applying electrical and electromechanical systems to all the axes of aircraft and vessels with the aim of improving their performance by reducing fuel consumption, noise pollution, as well as production, operation and maintenance costs.
UMBRAGROUP is very committed in the development of electromechanical actuators and electric motors also by participating in several national and international research programs and commercial projects, but what is required at the moment (especially for the electrification of the aeronautical sector) is a significant technological leap for electric systems in terms of weight and size reduction.
For this reason, the project intends to develop three demonstrators:
- Blade Trim Pitch integrated on an electric propulsion motor for aerospace and naval applications.
- Compact electromechanical rotary actuator based on ball screws for naval movement systems (steering or auxiliary axes).
- Health Monitoring algorithm for electromechanical components and systems that can be used on board of each system listed above.
The GENERA project
The GENERA project, "Regenerative Electric Generation", was financed by the Ministry of Economic Development with the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 as part of the National Operational Program "Enterprises and Competitiveness". The goal of the project is to develop a family of innovative linear generators based on ball screw technology to be used in frontier applications in wave motion generation. Together with the project partners, EMS srl and SEAPOWER scrl, new technologies have been developed for the realization of a reliable, sustainable and competitive energy system. Many public bodies and private companies have estimated the potential of global wave energy to be around 2100 GW. The products resulting from the project were tested at the port of Civitavecchia in real applications, bringing the technology to a (TRL)6 development level.
The iMARE Project
The iMARE project (hybrid MArine for Energy-efficient imbaRcations) has made it possible to validate a hybrid thermal-electric propulsion system with the construction of a demonstrator based on a 10-metre boat. The solution proposed by the project is characterised by low costs, low fuel consumption and low polluting emissions, as well as a technological innovation on the voltage levels of the electric system.
The main objective of iMARE is the development of an intelligent mechatronic system, which enables the connection and optimal management of an endothermic engine and an electric motor in parallel coupling for marine propulsion. The aim of the project is the presentation to the market of an innovative, and at the same time reliable and proven solution, developed in conjunction with the functionality of a boat; in fact, the electric propulsion system is easy to install.
UMRAGROUP contributed to the project as a partner, focusing its activities on the definition of the requirements of the electric propulsion subsystem, the design and realisation of an optimised electric motor/generator for dual use, and on the basis of the characteristic power supply conditions of the energy storage system (35-60 kW).
The various test phases carried out up to the boat's launch and the related sea trials made it possible to validate the expected results as well as demonstrate the product's silent operation and environmental advantage.
The electric propulsion developed and validated by UMBRAGROUP achieved a TRL of 7.