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Rules and instructions for shipments

UMBRAGROUP is focused on implementing logistic processes that are increasingly safe and sustainable. We receive and ship our products and systems carefully enclosed in packaging appropriate for their protection and meeting operator safety standards. We also promote reusable or recyclable packaging to reduce the use of disposable plastic as much as possible.

We operate a facility that is extremely close to its extended community; therefore, we make concrete efforts to reduce CO₂ emissions in our shipments by choosing companies that use alternative, sustainable aviation fuel and biofuels.

We have chosen DHL Express as our Partner, which promotes sustainable logistics and transportation programs and with whom we share a desire to adopt responsible solutions for shipping our products and systems around the world. Together with Partner DHL Express we are creating key synergies to achieve our goals, without burdening the environment around us, for continuous improvement in sustainability.

We rely on the DHL GoGreenPlus service for our shipments which has helped us succeed in reducing the impact of logistics operations. In fact, the service promotes the use of SAF (Sustainable Aviation Fuel) the sustainable aviation fuel that, when blended with conventional fuel, reduces emissions by up to 80%. It is a Jet fuel based on the CORSIA guidelines prescribed by SBTI (LCA SAF values based on ICCT data assuming full life cycle emissions of used cooking oils and vegetable oils derived from plants).

Raw Materials Packaging Requirements

To stay up-to-date on the rules and instructions that define shipments both arriving and departing from UMBRAGROUP, please see our conditions and regulations for packaging.

Raw Materials Packaging Requirements (0 KB)
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