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The Lean Thinking Academy

Part of the Lean Thinking Academy is a powerful, consolidated system that brings together a robust set of optimization tools. The Lean Thinking approach is based on applying three main method groups:

  1. Lean manufacturing to reduce waste
  2. DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control) to minimize variability in products and processes
  3. DFR (Design for Robustness) for innovative products and processes.

In each group there are certain elements UMBRAGROUP applies constantly with focused attention:

  • Lean Manufacturing: work balancing, 5S, problem solving, value stream mapping, a pull-pull approach (instead of push-push), and the UPS (Umbra Production System)
  • DMAIC: process capability, SPC, process mapping, DOE, the Cause and Effect (Fishbone) diagram, FMEA, gauge R&R.
  • DFR: Quality Function Deployment (QFD), House of Quality, Triz, a new procedure for developing industrial products.

The main goals remain customer satisfaction, high-quality products, and overall company profitability.

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